Munchener Hypothekenbank eG - Company Profile

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Munchener Hypothekenbank eG: Premium Databases

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Munchener Hypothekenbank eG ICT Spend & Tech Priorities

IT Client Prospector provides intelligence on Munchener Hypothekenbank eG’s likely spend across technology areas enabling you to understand the digital strategy.

A sample of Munchener Hypothekenbank eG ICT Spend & Tech Priorities data

ICT Spend & Tech Priorities


Access company’s ICT budgets, outsourcing likelihood, spending by channel, segment, and function. Gain intelligence on spends by hardware, software, IT services along with Digital / Disruptive technologies.


Understand company’s spending profile and buying behaviour gathered through proprietary B2B surveys and unrivalled real-time tracking of IT services and software contracts.


Prospect target businesses and opportunities. Get it right the first time by exploring digital landscape and technology stack for improved competitive bidding. Explore insights around digital, innovative and disruptive technologies likely to be adopted.

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

Gain a 360-degree view of Munchener Hypothekenbank eG and make more informed decisions for your business
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