Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd - Company Profile

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Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd: Segment Analysis

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Business Description

HollySys Automation Technologies Ltd (Hollysys) is a provider of automation control system and IT solutions. It has operations in major cities in China and Southeast Asia and the Middle East through subsidiaries and direct offices. The company classifies its operations into three segments: Industrial Automation Solutions, Rail Transportation Solutions and Mechanical and Electrical Solutions.

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R&D Overview

The research and development of the company focus on high technology and long-term capabilities such as developing new technologies, applications, and platforms. The company forecast invest in the R&D in China and other international countries. The company seeks to invest in refining the solutions of urban rail signalling, smart manufacturing, and IIoT. In FY2023, it spent US$70.2 million for its R&D and grew 0.9% YoY.

Business Segments


Offers automation hardware, software, and services including control systems and enterprise manufacturing management for industrial markets which include nuclear, fine chemical, petrochemical, metallurgy ,and thermal power industries. Major solutions include DCS suit (Distributed Control System), RMIS (Real-time Management Information System), PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), HAMS (HolliAS Asset Management System), HolliAS BATCH (Batch Application Package), OTS (Operator Training System), HolliAS APC Suite (Advanced Process Control Package), and SIS (Safety Instrumentation System). Provides third-party hardware such as instrumentation and actuators. The DCS suite offers a network of controllers, sensors, actuators and other devices that can be programmed to control outputs based on input conditions through logic calculations.


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Provides mechanical and electrical solutions including engineering, design, procurement, construction and commissioning, project management, and maintenance related services. Operates through its subsidiaries Concord and Bond. Concord has operations in Singapore, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia and Bond focus on factories, banks, data centers, hospitals, airports, power stations, gas and instrumentation plants, commercial centers, hotels, residential buildings, and infrastructure works in Malaysia.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Offers high-speed rail (HSR) signaling systems. Major products of the company include ATP (Automation Train Protection) and TCC (train control center) systems. TCCs is an on-ground control center at railway station that monitor route condition, train schedules, track status, and the working status of other essential function devices. TCC is then transmitted to the ATP fitted on the locomotives/trains, through track circuits and electronic beacons at various points along the railway line or wireless. ATP acts as the train over-speed protection mechanism. It collects real-time information like train operation status, speed limit ahead, instructions from train control center, line data, and combines this information with the train parameters to produce train protection curves. In case of any human errors, such as driver’s negligence at the red light, it applies emergency brakes automatically. Also, offers supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to china’s subway market. It is an open software platform that enables and unified monitoring of all necessary sub-systems of the subway, including the power supervisory control and data acquisition system, fire alarm system, building automatic system, platform screen door system, closed circuit television, access control system, passenger train information system, and alarm system. The company also provides products in high speed rail market including LEU (Line-Side Electronic Unit), ATO (Automatic Train Operation system), Track Circuit, BTM (Balise Transmission Module), TSRS (Temporary Speed Restriction Server), RBC (Radio Block Center) and CBI (Computer Based Interlocking) among others.


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Geographical Segments


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